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Turkey, US share goal of stability, prosperity in Horn of Africa

United States special envoy for the Horn of Africa Jeffrey Feltman voiced that Ankara and Washington have a shared goal of stability and prosperity in the Horn of Africa in a visit… …

Turkey, US share goal of stability, prosperity in Horn of Africa

United States special envoy for the Horn of Africa Jeffrey Feltman voiced that Ankara and Washington have a shared goal of stability and prosperity in the Horn of Africa in a visit to discuss international support for diplomatic efforts to end the conflict in Ethiopia.

A statement by the U.S. Embassy in Turkey Wednesday said: “The U.S. and Turkey continue discussions within the framework agreed to by President Biden and President Erdoğan.”

“Feltman emphasized our shared goals of regional stability and economic prosperity in the Horn of Africa.”

“The U.S. welcomes all interested states to work toward a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ethiopia and to emphasize that there is no military solution,” the statement added.

The U.S. has repeatedly called on parties to the conflict to end hostilities immediately, but fighting has continued between the Ethiopian government and rebel groups, primarily the Tigray People’s Liberation Front.

Feltman discussed the Horn of Africa with Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Önal.

According to the Turkish Foreign Ministry, the two officials discussed regional topics including Ethiopia, Somalia, where Turkey has a military base, and Sudan.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan discussed bilateral relations with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in a phone call in August. Erdoğan highlighted that Turkey values Ethiopia’s peace and stability and that Ankara is ready to provide all types of assistance to ensure it.

Turkish defense and aviation exports to Ethiopia rose to $94.6 million (TL 1.3 billion) between January and November from around $235,000 in the same period last year, according to figures published by the Turkish Exporters Assembly.

An estimated tens of thousands of people have been killed in the war between Ethiopian and allied forces and fighters from the country’s northern Tigray region, who long dominated the national government. The U.S. and others have warned that Africa’s second-most populous country could fracture and destabilize the Horn of Africa.

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